Up until now 700 Palestinian have been killed with to total of more than 200 children among them. So, what the world leader - among them are the one we have elected - have said about this humanitarian crisis:

"You have until 8am [06:00 GMT]," on Thursday, said leaflets which were dropped by the Israeli military. Israel has warned thousands of people in the Rafah zone on the Egyptian border to leave their houses ahead of planned air strikes.
The Cabinet today agreed that Parliament holds a special session on the Gaza onslaught next Monday, said Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim. He added Malaysia would proceed with its initiative to call for the meeting if the United Nations Security Council failed to resolve the crisis within the next 48 hours.
The President of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Miguel d'Escoto called the Israeli incursion a "monstrosity", and criticized the "disfunctionality" of the UN Security Council.
OIC issued a communique condemning the "brutal and sustained aggression". The communique also called for the Palestinian factions to end their differences and noted the OIC's continued aid works in Gaza and its support for the PNA and other "legitimate institutions". The OIC has requested all "peace loving nations" work to call the UN general assembly.
"What happened in the school was a hugely offensive and inhumane thing. We never expected that people who sought refuge in a UN building would be attacked and killed," Heba, a Gaza resident and mother of two. Israel is facing mounting pressure to agree a ceasefire after an attack on a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa) in the northern town of Jabaliya on Tuesday left 43 Palestinians dead and around 100 wounded.

"When you are trying to feed 750,000 people a day in Gaza as we are, you need a permanent ceasefire. You can't do that in a three-hour window,"Christopher Gunness, a spokesman for the UN relief agency Unwra, regarding the move by Israel to ceasefire in 3 hours time to let the Palestinian get their basic supply did not go far enough.
Mark Regev, spokesman for Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, said on Wednesday regarding the Egypt-French proposal: "We welcome the French-Egyptian initiative. We want to see it succeed," adding that talks would "continue on the basis of that initiative"."A sustainable calm in the south will be based upon the total absence of hostile fire from Gaza into Israel and an effective arms embargo on Hamas that enjoys international support," he said.
The United States of America blocked efforts at the Security Council to broker a ceasefire; reported by Reuters on 4th January 2009.
Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, said at the UN that the US considered a ceasefire "necessary" and that she had impressed on Israeli and Arab ministers "the importance of moving [the] initiative forward''.However Rice reiterated her belief that any ceasefire "will not allow a return to the status quo". "If the Arabs don't settle for less than a resolution and the US can't be convinced of a statement it is not clear where this will go," she says.
“And we decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture, that indeed you would do mischief on the earth twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant!” (17:4)
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