Guess it's a payback time for Israel. In a recent World Economic Forum that was chaired by David Ignatius - and with panels consisted of Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Turkey's Prime Minister), Shimon Peres (Israel President), Ban Ki-moon (UN Secretary General), and Amr Moussa (Arab League Secretary); Mr Erdogan blasted Mr Peres regarding Israel's decision on insurgency against Gaza Strip.
It first started when Mr Peres pointed towards Mr Erdogan while asking "What Istanbul will do if thousands of missiles / rockets attack Istanbul?" While given insufficient amount of time to react to the question given, Mr Erdogan repplied that he regreted that the forum's participant clapped their hand when Mr Peres delivered his view regarding Israel right to attack Gaza. "When it comes to killing, you know well how to kill," he told Mr. Peres before scooping up his papers and leaving the stage.
This is one of leader wheter it Muslim or not; able to stand against issues that erode human rights. I do hope that our leaders are brave enough to stand in the international level in issues that concerning Muslim Worlds and Human Rights. TAHNIAH Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan!

It first started when Mr Peres pointed towards Mr Erdogan while asking "What Istanbul will do if thousands of missiles / rockets attack Istanbul?" While given insufficient amount of time to react to the question given, Mr Erdogan repplied that he regreted that the forum's participant clapped their hand when Mr Peres delivered his view regarding Israel right to attack Gaza. "When it comes to killing, you know well how to kill," he told Mr. Peres before scooping up his papers and leaving the stage.
This is one of leader wheter it Muslim or not; able to stand against issues that erode human rights. I do hope that our leaders are brave enough to stand in the international level in issues that concerning Muslim Worlds and Human Rights. TAHNIAH Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan!

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