"Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well, provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become endless night. Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul."
- Victor Hugo (1802-1885); French poet, novelist and dramatist.
Partial Solar Eclipse
1747 MST on 26th January 2009
Picture taken from Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur.
Solar Eclipse PhenomenonAllah All Mighty!
Just now I had a chance to observe solar eclipse - partial one not the full. This event happen from 1630 Malaysian Standard Time (MST) when the moon 'touched' the sun disk till it eventually covered the sun 'almost' at 1750 MST. The phenomenon finished on 1855 MST when the moon 'leaved' the sun.
Partial Solar Eclipse phases
The last time Malaysia having a chance to observe solar eclipse - if I'm not mistaken in 1998. The annular type. I remember that time - the best place to see it somewhere in Sabah. Hmm, where is it?

I've tried various technique using my digital camera to capture the event. But *sigh*, this is the results from the poor camera. From left to right and up to down : first direct picture, then with sunglasses on top of the camera; then with one negative film - finally with both negative film on top of it.
There's various believes among the people around the world regarding the solar eclipse. Some consider it as a bad omen. I even remember that even some believed that the sun has been 'killed'. After centuries of knowledge expansion, human knew that the solar eclipse phenomenon is one of the nature's event. It is one of the All-Mighty's power. For us Muslim - it's a 'Sunat-Muakkad' (things that obliged to do) to perform Solah during this time as a sign that we 'bow' to His Greatness.
After I've adjusted both negative films, I'm able to capture above image. MasyaAllah! Oh, another thing : Beware! Do not look directly to the sun as it might damage your retina. This is not something that fake my friends.