“He who does not travel does not know the value of men.”- Moorish proverb

Sunday, 8 February 2009

My 18 - From Tawau to Nunukan Island

"We're limited but we can push back the borders of our limitations."
- Stephen R. Covey (born October 24, 1932); author of best-selling The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
Tawau, Sabah

Migration of people in Nusantara archipelago has been started thousand years ago and it's continue till now. In Sabah you can see a lot of peoples from different ethnicity as a result from this 'mixing process'. Tawau itself as a town that has been established since early 1890's, showed the different varieties of ethnic that blend together in harmonious way. But don't be surprised that 2/3 of its citizens were actually non-locals from neighboring island (Indonesian and Filipinos). In latest 2007 census showed that total Malaysian was 150, 000 while the non-locals was 245,000. What a different!

Tawau is famous for their local seafood, natural reserve in Tawau Hill Parks, and stop by to other famous islands like Sipadan and Mabul through Semporna. Tawau located 500km from Kota Kinabalu can be reach either by land - (which 8 hours ride from North City Bus Terminal in Inanam, Kota Kinabalu) or the fastest by air through MAS (KK - Tawau / KL - Tawau) or Air Asia (KK - Tawau) that landed in Tawau International Airport.

Nunukan Island
East Kalimantan, Indonesia

While on trip with my friend - Kay, we just decided to go to Nunukan Island, located in Indonesia's East Kalimantan. Nothing much there but we just wanna see what's the local daily activities. Most of their goods are from Tawau since it's the nearest city with port. And how unlucky were us that the trip for half days become a one night stay. Thanks to the ferry that left us earlier from the port - arghh stranded in foreign country! Since nothing much to do at night, we just sleep early so that we won't missed the earliest ferry on the other day. What an experience!

Nunukan Island Port where peoples arrive here from Tawau and other part of Indonesia namely Sulawesi island.

From left : Tunon Taka Passenger Terminal Gate, Nunukan Island; old wooden pier at the port.

I don't know about you guys but every time I see sunset I feel that my life getting shorter by a day. There's a lot of things to do and I even haven't prepared for the afterlife.

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“All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it.” - Samuel Johnson (1709-1784); English essayist, lexicographer, biographer and poet.