“He who does not travel does not know the value of men.”- Moorish proverb

Saturday, 28 February 2009

Detour Sabah : Family Visit 07

When you look at your life, the greatest happiness are family happiness.
- Joyce Brothers (1927 - present); American psychologist and advise column.

Mount Kinabalu from Nabalu town

Another visit by family in 2007, but this time both my 'pak long' and 'mak long' have join us. Apart from Labuan, Menumbok and Kuala Penyu; I just bring them to usual places like Taman Laut Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kundasang and the favorite place for my mum and aunt - Filipino Market!. But somehow during this time I didn't take much picture. I don't know why, hmmm.

My aunt and uncle with my parents on the right. On the 'kapal tarik' in Kuala Penyu.

From left : Ija in Handcraft market, Nabalu Town; family photo in Pulan Manukan.

Wooden pier in Manukan Island

Recap : February 2009

(For so great a name, no praise is adequate and No elegy is equal to such a name)
- as stated at the Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) cenotaph, Church of Santa Croce, France.

Yet another month has passed-by. February is not just remembered as the month of love (valentine isn't it?) but for Malaysians, this year it had added more spice to it. Here were some that happened in February 2009 as far as I remembered.

Constitutional crisis in Perak with a BACK-DOOR government were formed.
So, now an 11-month Pakatan Rakyat had been forced to dissociate as 3 of their members declared independence and one returned to UMNO making the BN has the majority to form the government. However, due to some court issues involving the 3 members make this government not a strong-one. Both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional claimed that they're the legal government based on the majority 28 - 28 each with 3 pending-independence declared they're fully support the BN. Hmm - sounds suspicious as 2 of them still waiting the result from the bribery case in court. I won't make any comment on that. But, the most important things that the power to elect the representative in the government should be given back to the people and let them choose whoever they confident to serve them. At the end, peoples of Perak has suffered from these 'catastrophe' made by politician who us thinking on how to get power for themselves.People now have three by-elections - that can show out wether they're agree with the BN or PR representatives - Bukit Gantang (Perak), Bukit Selambau (Kedah) and Batang Ai (Sarawak).

Selangor MB Wars
Well this another state that has been held by Pakatan Rakyat from March 2008 General Election, under fire by the former MB with the charges of bribery and misused of state's money. However, it had back-fired as the former MB 'not that cleaned' as he had alleged being doing the same when he was in-power last time. It seems people can resist in taking chance when they have given so much power. Lucky, I'm just an ordinary citizen that haven't had that kind of 'power'. Yes, many accused others being abuse of power - but they too doing the same when they've given one. God forbid, and may Allah gave me strength not to behave like them.

Privacy and death threat
It looks like being member of parliament or state assembly doesn't guarantee you to be safe. This month we have been exposed on a story where one State Councilor and the member of state assembly of Kedah had resigned from his post due to death threats to him and his family member. Even our fame 'Lion of Jelutong' was given the same threat when he received used bullets from unknown. It looks like our politician has really adopted Machiavelli's style for their political needs. Another sad things that when one of the exco member of Selangor has her private picture circulated in the net - allegedly said to discredit the Selangor's Pakatan Rakyat government. Again, when we look deeply into this matter - its all happen as result from the March 2008 General Election. It looks that some are struggle to stay in power, and some will do anything that possible being it moral or unmoral to get the power back. What will happen to Malaysia? Who knows and again I pray that the country will survive.

Economy Recession
Being a government worker in the critical area (well, doctors still in high demand), I didn't feel much of the problem. But for the others, especially those working in production area has been offered either unpaid leaves, option for resignation or worst - stopped by the employee. Some have speculated that the recession worst than the 1997 crisis. Guess we do really need to prepare umbrella for the upcoming storm. And I do hope our leaders either from BN or PR will really lead us successfully through this unfortunate event.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Take 5 : Pictures of Labuan

My 23 - Borneo's Main Anchorage

"The fruits of victory are tumbling into our mouths too quickly."
- Emperor Hirohito (1901 - 1989); speaks on his birthday on 29th April 1942 regarding Japan progress in World War II.

Labuan Island, SABAH

May 2007, and yet another visit by family to Sabah. But this time a bit different as one of my aunt actually moved to Labuan island earlier. AlhamduliLlah, at least I've some relatives here cross the South China Sea in case of anything happen. The family decided to stop-by Labuan for several days before going to Kota Kinabalu.

From left : Labuan International Ferry Terminal - you can get to Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak from this terminal; walking by the beach during sunset.

From left : one of the water-village - looks nicer compare to Kota Kinabalu's; hmm can I say that my sister's photo look photogenic?

Labuan island is part of Malaysian Federal territory, which consisted with the other 2 territory - Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. Its located about 8 km off the coast of Borneo island, made into Federal territory in 1984. Its the only offshore financial centre offering international financial and business services via Labuan International Business and Financial Centre (IBFC). Its one of the 3 islands so far that made as a free-trade zone. Meaning cheaper car, cigarettes and alcohol!

From left : Japan Surrender Point - a memorial for those who had fall in protecting the island; Labuan Bird Park - a huge bird cage that you can actually walk into and have a direct-contact with the birds.

From left : the Chimney - still considered as mysterious in origin as nobody knows the purpose of this structure; with aunt on the ferry from Labuan to Menumbok.

A lot of interesting places in Labuan; and the best part most of the attractions are free! But the most adventurous activities will be scuba-diving as Labuan's marine area offer vast collection of sink-ships from the World War II periods. Since I didn't have scuba license, I couldn't experienced it - sigh!
Most will agree that this is a nice picture. Syok sendiri!

While enjoying sea breeze on the ferry from Labuan to Menumbok. Background is the Federal Territory flag.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

My 22 - Thrills in Padas River

"Memories of a lifetime are made here every day."
- Anonymous

Padar River Whitewater Rafting
Beaufort, SABAH

For those who enthusiast in adventure, thrill and water - yes water, Padas River offer this excitement. Situated in Beaufort - that means Beautiful Fort - the river has been graded 2 -3 (especially in raining season) for the whitewater rafting.

Take 5, while awaiting the train-charter departed to the Padas River

All you guys needed the guts to paddle till the end of the trail and emm some money to pay for the service. I can't remember how much is it - but to reduce the amount paid is by organizing it with more people. This is one of the time that you can ride and have experience with the only service train available in Borneo island! You even can go to the Interior part of Sabah (namely Tenom) using the same train service.

We didn't took a lot of photos while rafting as the guide forgot to put negative films inside his camera - CURSE HIM! But the memory will lasted as for me this is once-in-a-lifetime experience. I still wanna do it again!

From left : a lot of people actually come for the whitewater rafting - so better booked your place first before you come here; Padas river gorge.

From left : before departure at the Beaufort train station; Mizi seems get away with the scenic view of Sabah's interior.

Gang Photo of Padas River Whitewater Rafting Beginner!

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Detour Sabah : Riding Ostrich

Ostrich Farm,
Kampung Nanamun, Kota Belud,

Have you guys tried riding a two-leg ostrich? It's a whole different experience - kinda like you're climbing on the back of one of your friends. To put trust on the 2-leg creature, hmm I've been think twice for it. But, alas - the creature is so STRONG!

Ok, there's a lot of places in Malaysia that you can visit to the ostrich farm. But in Sabah, it's different in a way that the place is much nicer and clean too. Furthermore, to ride it in the capital of East Cowboys (Kota Belud) give you extra KICK!

Requested it to be blind-folded as I afraid that it will kick-me off. Hahaha!

The farm is operated by a company name Arah Yakin Sdn Bhd. situated in Kampung Nanamun, Kota Belud. It offer overall education regarding breeding ostrich from early stage (egg hatching, foods that needed, etc.). You guys can even book to have lunch or dinner there with the main course consist of ostrich meat and egg (OF COZ!). So, guys put on your shoes and come to get a once-a-life-time experience here. (Ermm - I didn't gain any profit in promoting this place, just wanna share with the others!)

From left : brace yourself as strich can run faster than the Olymipic Gold winner for 100m; Natrah on her first time-experience - this by far the best picture we've taken - so ermmm SINCERE!

From left : buying ostrich eggs - initially thought to buy each of us one but the egg is SO HUGE!; sunset in Kampung Nanamun.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

My 21 - Survivor : Borneo

"The tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go."
- Jeff Probst (born November 4, 1962); Survivor games TV host, producer and reporter.

Pulau Tiga National Park

Pulau Tiga or Tiga island - formed by three island (that's the name of Tiga derived from) : Pulau Tiga (the main island), Pulau Kalampunian Damit (or famously known as Snake Island) and Pulau Kalampunian Besar - where the most of the Survivor games takes place. It have 3 resorts with one of it operated by the Sabah Park (state government body). It gazetted as National Park in 1978. The islands were formed on September 21, 1897, when an earthquake on Mindanao caused a volcanic eruption near Borneo.

It has 4 main beaches namely Pagong-pagong, Tagi (the first two were the name of The Survivor groups), Ramis and Larai-larai. It still has remains of volcano as we can see in the Survivor - the mud volcano. Previously there were three such places in the island, however only one remain as the other two has already dried.

From left : "They're quite energetic when we arrived."; possing on the wooden pier.

From left : one of the statue remained from the origial set of Survivor : Borneo; taking nap under the tree shade - heaven!

From left : mud volcano pond; it believed that the mud good for your skin. It's a secret for the beauty of the Sabahan girls. Come on guys - SMILE!

From left : Snake island or Pulau Kalampunian Damit - has thousands of poisonous snake that active during night; three 'jejaka' in crusade to safe two maiden in Snake island. Hahaha

From left : group photo on the Snake island; cathing snake with our bare hands - please do careful as the snakes are poisonous!

From left : Pulau Kalampunian Besar - it's actually a sand bar; nice sandy beach with crystal-clear water. You'll never forget your experience here.

Wonderful sunset - a breathtaking view of Tiga island

The hand that one day will able to grab the world - or sun in this case!
“All travel has its advantages. If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it.” - Samuel Johnson (1709-1784); English essayist, lexicographer, biographer and poet.